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1 244,27 zł

64,82 zł
Privacy Policy
This Policy sets out the principles of storage and access to information on the users devices through cookies, serving the purpose of implementation of services provided electronically requested by the User, by MK PARTS Agata Kołakowska with its office in 05-500 Piaseczno, Nadarzyńska 60 Street.
§ 1 Definitions
- Administrator – stands for MK PARTS Agata Kołakowska located in 05-500 Piaseczno, Nadarzyńska 60 Str. registered at entrepreneur register of the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 1230890937, REGON: 016 284 887, which provides electronic services and stores and accesses information stored in user devices.
- Cookies – stands for the computer data, in particular small text files that are saved and stored on the devices through which the user uses the Website.
- Administrator’s Cookies - stands for the Cookies provided by the Administrator connected with providing electronic services by the Administrator through the Website.
- External Cookies - stands for the Cookies provided by the Administrator’s partners through the Website.
- Website - the website under which the Administrator provides an Internet service, operating in the domain www.czesciciezarowe.com.pl.
- The device - is an electronic device through which the user accesses the Website.
- User - the entity to whom, in accordance with the Terms and provisions of the law, electronic services can be provided, or with whom a contract on provision of electronic services can be signed.
§ 2 Types of Cookies used
- Cookies used by the Administrator are safe for the user’s device, ie. this route is not possible to be used to penetrate the User’s device by viruses or other unwanted software or malware. These files allow to identify the software used by the user and customize the service to each user individually. Cookies typically contain the name of the domain which they come from, their storage time on the Device and an assigned value.
The administrator uses two types of cookies:
a) Session Cookies: These are stored on the user's device and remain there until the end of the browser session. The recorded information is then permanently deleted from the memory of the device. The mechanism of the session cookies does not allow to collect any personal data or any confidential information from the user's device.
b) Permanent cookies: These are stored on the user's device and remain there until you delete them. Ending a session of the browser or turning off of the device does not delete them from the user’s device. The mechanism of the permanent cookies does not allow to collect any personal data or any confidential information from the user's device. - The User has the ability to restrict or disable cookies’ access to his/hers device. If you use this option, the use of the Website will be possible, except for the functions which by their nature require cookies.
§ 3 Purposes for which cookies are used
The administrator uses his own cookies for proper configuration of the service, and in particular:
a) to customize the content of the Website according to the User’s preferences and optimizing the use of the Website.
b) to recognize the User’s Device and its location to properly display a website tailored to the User’s individual needs;
c) to remember the settings chosen by the user and personalize the user’s interface, for example, as far as the language or region of origin of the user are concerned;
d) to remember the history of visited pages on the site for the recommendation of contents;
e) the font size, web design, etc. -
The administrator uses his own cookies to authenticate the user on the site and ensure user’s sessions on the site, in particular:
a) maintaining of the User’s session while on the website (after logging in), so that user does not have to retype user’s name and password on every page;
b) for proper configuration of selected functions of the Website, allowing in particular to verify the authenticity of the browser session.
c) to optimize and increase the efficiency of services provided by the Administrator. -
The administrator uses his own cookies to implement the processes necessary for full functionality of the website, in particular:
a) to customize the content of the Website according to the User preferences and optimizing the use of the website. In particular, these files allow us to recognize the basic parameters of the user's device and properly display the web page tailored to their individual needs;
b) Correct handling of the partnership program, allowing in particular for the verification of sources, which redirect users to different pages of the website. - The administrator uses his own cookies for studies, research and audit of the audience, and in particular to create anonymous statistics to help understand how the Users of the Website use the Site, which can improve its structure and content.
- Service Administrator uses external cookies to collect general and anonymous statistic data via analytical tools of Google Analytics (external cookies administrator: Google Inc., based in the U.S.).
- Website’s Administrator uses external cookies to popularize the site using social networking sites Facebook.com (administrator of external cookies: Facebook Inc., based in the U.S. or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland).
§ 4 The options determining the conditions of storage or achieving access through Cookies
The User can himself freely and at any time change his cookie settings, determining the terms of their storage and cookies’ access to the User's Device. These changes are made through the web browser settings, or by using the service configuration. These settings can be amended in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of your web browser or inform whenever cookies are being posted on User’s Device. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies is available in the software settings (internet browser).
Below is how you can change the settings of web browsers on the use of cookies:
a) Internet Explorer
b) Mozilla FireFox
c) Chrome
d) Safari
e) Opera - The User may at any time delete cookies using the features available in the web browser that he/she is using.
- Restricting of the use of cookies may affect some of the functionality available on the Website.